For those of you who follow my Tumblr, and were on last night, would have seen the fight I had between an anonymous person. They were incredibly rude to me, and I seriously hate anons. But I had a lot of help from Trevor( I love you babe <3 ), some of my Tumblr friends, and James.
The first anon:
Quit being such a whore and just kill yourself. You're not worth it,
My response:
Okay. Ill get right to that.
2nd anon:
Seriously. just fucking stop with all of this "I wanna be cooler than you!" shit. Just keep cutting yourself. No one would fucking care if you left.
my response:
OH REALLY. LISTEN TO ME YOU LITTLE RETARDED ASSHOLE. I’V GONE THROUGH WAY TOO MUCH SHIT TONIGHT TO HAVE YOU HURT ME. You have no idea what I have gone through in my past and I don’t need your hate at the moment. So please, stop…
What Trevor said after that anon:
leave Chelsea alone anon she didn't do shit to you, she's not anything close to a whore, trust me i would know, she's my best friend.
My response:
Thanks, Trev<3
Another anon:
um I don't fucking care what ur friends say. they still don't change how I feel about u. I honestly think u just need to shut the fuck up and go the hell away. no wonder trevor will never go out with you your ugly as fuck and your scars will probably stay there forever and make you even uglier
I just about cried my eyes out because of that one. That one hurt the most I think..
Trevor said:
anon get the fuck outta here, chelsea is gorgeous, & her scars are what makes her what she is today, & i love what she is, so i will date her she's an amazing fucking girl so take your false lies & rude comments somewhere else because theres no need for it. you're a fucking cunt that won't come off anon anyways
to be honest, I about smiled through my tears during that one.. c:
They said:
first of all im not a cunt, you are for supporting Chelsea and "liking" her. shes a bitch, cant you see? shes fucking nothing. and her scars are ugly. UGLY. she doesn't belong here on earth because shes horrible at everything she does and she thinks that she can just do everything she wants. shes stupid as hell.
Uhm. She/he was hurting me so much..
And then I got A LOT more help from my followers, James, and Trevor.
To be honest, I don't want to talk about this at all, so I wont. But, lets just say, what the anon said hurt me and my relationship with Trevor.
Im sorry this is so short, but I just cant deal with all of this right now. Im crying my eyes out right now because what they said still hurt me, and I just cant contain how much Im hurting at the moment.
Song of the day:
No Interruption-Hoodie Allen
This song is about sex, true, but it reminds me of how sexy JC Caylen is ;)
Shoutouts of the day:
James, Trev, and Bek.
James; Thanks for helping last night! You are amazing and I love your theme on Tumblr. Keep rebloggin, buddy. <3
Trevor; Please stop getting grounded for having weed in your room -_- Baby, I love you. You are so amazing and you keep me strong. Thanks, cuddlebuns c;
Im so sorry about you and Daws ):Im glad you guys are okay though. I understand how scary it can be though, I went through the same thing last summer, with a guy I met. I helped him to whole night. Stay strong!!!! I believe in you! (: