Friday, June 28, 2013

Panda Sex and Marshmallows...

Hey guys! So I know its been a while since I'v posted, but I wanted you guys to know that I'm not dead. Because I seriously think that some of you think I am...BUT I'M NOT OKAY. Alright, so recently I'v been just chilling at home and watching my new obsession. Teen Wolf.  This show, oh my lord. Its so amazing. I really like it. I have 4 more episodes until I reach the end, and to be honest, I really don't want it to end. I mean, that means I can't watch it again on MTV until I can catch up on ALL of the season 3. Which pisses me off. same goes for Pretty Little Liars.

I went to Bek's today (even though its Friday at 1 in the morning.. whoops..) and I had the best time. So, I was hoping that Zach would be there, but then I found out hes in Utah with Sarah, so I won't see him until the 10th of July, sadly. So when I got into Rigby from Idaho Falls because I had to go into Idaho Falls to get wood for my new fence (Which is almost done and I'm so excited!) , my mom dropped my off at Beks. I get into the driveway and I see Bek and Sienna jumping on the trampoline holding eachothers arms and breathing really hard into their faces. My mom says "What the fuck are they doing..?" "I honestly, don't know.." So I left and went inside the house and put my stuff in Beks room and then I said Hi to Andrew. I couldn't figure out how to get out to the backyard, so I just went out and did my own thing until I decided I would go outside. I went outside, but Bek&Sienna were already walking back to the house. So we said Hi and then we went inside. We just basically hung out and played "CrotchBall" in the living room  -_-

Reino and Julie came home, and they had grocery's, so we put all of them away. Tonight was actually supposed to be Movie Night, but the DVD player didn't work for Iron Man 2. Andrew was downstairs, and Adam was playing Minecraft. We went downstairs (Bek, Sienna, Andrew, and I) and we played Curses. Afterwards, we played this game called Cards Against Humanity.  This is my new favorite game. Its such an amazing game. Like seriously, its amazing. If you guys don't play it, you need to. You will laugh SO HARD.

I'm very proud to say that LiL MiSS EPiC and I are now the co-founders are a new couple. Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce....


This is the couple of Adam and Sienna. They are literally so cute. If you want to read more about this, please go to the 3rd paragraph on this post. It will explain everything perfectly.

Alright, Well. I gotta go. Its going onto 2:30 in the morning and I really need to go watch creepy YouTube videos. So, I guess I'll talk to you all later, right? Love you guys (:

Song of the Day: Give Me Your Hand- The Ready Set.

Shout-out of the day: Adna. Stay safe, kids ;)

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