Yes, you heard it right.
I am now TAKEN.
By none other than Arnie Espinoza himself(:
I am SO happy to be with Arnie, its been perdy good. We are really young, but at any age, we should be allowed to love whoever the heck we want, right? Well, that's how me and Arnie are c: So, that's just some updates about us!
Recently, I have been really into making poetry and the people who have inspired me to write are Grace Richmond & James Facer. They both are excellent writers, and how other to maybe inspire them back to write my poetry? Well, I'v written a few in the last month or so and I gave them to Grace, one was really serious one, another was for her, since she has been getting in A LOT of fights with some people. And then a few more that were about daydreams, and stuff like that. But, I wrote a little bit today. I have had the song "A Team" by Ed Sheeran in my head for a while now, I kinda wanted to outline the idea of that.So. Here we go.
(A/N. (A/N means Authors Note.Just a FYI.) This is going to be in BLACK because its pretty serious.)
She sits there,
Daydreaming without a care.
The teacher yells at her,
"Hey over there!
You need to listen!"
Too bad she was daydreaming about kissing.
She's had a hard life,
Every night she grabs a knife.
She puts it against her throat,
But its cold, like the snow on her coat.
She puts it down,
and then walks into town,
Only to see who her next victim is.
And her family will be sure to miss.
She gets into his car,
and she stares out the window as they drive to the next bar.
Only so she can waste her life away,
and go back home late that night to lay.
Her life is one replay.
-Chelsea-Evelyn M. Moore
So that was pretty serious right? Well, It was if you don't think so. If you guys haven't heard the song A Team, you are sadly missing out, so here is the song:
This video is a pretty graphic video (AKA: Drugs, alcohol, partial sex.)
Please go watch it if you haven't seen it yet.
So, I have recently changed my URL on Tumblr, so if you follow me, or just check it out, I changed it to "Twerk1nqwbu" and heres a link to check it out: and yes, my sidebar is Arnie. Don't judge me for loving my boyfwen.<3 We have video chatted for 7 days in a row now, and we started going out on March 31st. Yes, Easter. I guess things did start going my way. But, I think I actually turned my life around since last month. I haven't done anything I really regret, I have been getting an allowance, and I'v been given my computer, TV, and friend responsibilities back. I really thing I'm turning myself around this time, but wait. I said that last time. Whoops. Either way, I'm going to keep trying.
Songs Of The Day(2):
How To Be A Heartbreaker- Marina and The Diamonds. Dane showed me this band, ang, oh my dear lord. This is great! This band is amazing, and I really love them because they set pretty amazing messages, and the lead singer (Marina,duh.) is a super great singer. She goes so high, and shes sorta in the middle between Alto and Soprano. So, she could go both ways when she sings., So I think thats extremely talented. I hope to sing like her one day.
They Don't Know About Us- One Direction: This is Arnie& I's song c: He thought of it! And I love him for it.
Okay, guys. This is one of my longest posts, next time I'm going to talk about the Mandi& Phebe sitch.
"No freedom until were equal? Damn right I support it."- Macklemore
Love always/
Chelsea "The Scootalooser" Marie.
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