Today was great(:
You are probably wondering why my title is a date (today). Well, I have a boyfriend.(:
His name is Taggert Andersen. We have been flirting with each other for a couple weeks now, and he finally popped the question today. So, Collin Squires gave Taggert this packet of crushed red pepper. So, taggert gave me half, and he took half. We both just ate it and it freaking BURNED. It was horrible. So, we ran to the cafiteria to get water, BUT THAT SURE DIDN'T HELP. So, later, we went outside and ate snow. THE CLEAN SHOW. So I'm sitting there and Taggert throws a snowball at me. So, we start having this HUGE snowball fight right by Mrs.Dayley's classroom, and he takes this huge handful of snow and dumps it all over my head. I was FREEZING. Oh mai fetch it was HORRIBLE. After that we went back in and we went over to the rest of the wrestlers. I went into Davenports and I sang to her. I sang Cups by Anna Kendrick. I have mastered that song COMPLETELY. And Taggert came in. Then I forgot the song. So. yah know. GREAT. After that, I was about to leave and Taggert handed me a note. being a girl I knew what the note said. IT SAID "WILL YOU GOING AWT ME!" Hes dumb. But a funny dumb. c: Hes cute. like. REALLY CUTEE. (:
So, I said yes. duh. We went and made banners for the dodgeball game. We splattered markers and got it all over ourselfs. After, I wrote my name on Taggert's arms then the wrestlers splattered his arms with marker. He looked hot(: We took pictures together and then Juliana made fun of us.(: I love Juliana.
Song of the day: Cups by Anna Kendrick. I chose this song because I sang this song to Mr.Choffin and he absolutely loved it. Hes a really good guy/teacher.
Shoutouts; Bek,James,Tigger(:
Bek: So. I heard you sang the national anthum. I'M SO SORRY I MISSED IT. )": I reallly wanted to hear you...): But, I hope you did really god and I hope you had fun(: I really miss you and I think we should have a V-day party. idk if Tigger would come though... It would be awkward for him. xD But I do seriously love you. We will always be bestfriends.. I think the only fight we have had is the chocolate.. WHICH I WILL PAY YOU BACK.
James: hey. I miss those gosh darn hugs! Its not cool bro!! But, I do hope that you do really good in your bet. keeep it goin! You'll get there(:
Tigger: Hey, I love you(: I wish I had my tablet so I could text you.. But I don't.. Good luck today at your tournament. I'll miss you!!
Betcha didn't know:
I'm gunna be a wrestler manager next year!(:
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